Does Going Solar Make Sense for You?

Does Going Solar Make Sense for You?

Thinking about going solar? Solar power has become much more common to see on top of many homes in the United States. The productivity of the newest solar panels continues to increase as technology gets better. On top of that you are using a clean and renewable resource to produce your energy and power. All of that sounds amazing, but there are a few questions you should ask yourself before deciding to go solar.

black solar panels on the roof

Does Solar Save You Money?

Let’s start with the big one, probably the main question in everyone’s head when debating about going solar. We wish it was an easy answer, but the truthful answer is: it depends. There are many factors on how much you will save and when you will really be able to see the savings coming through in your bank account. Let’s face it, going solar is quite the investment, so we want to see the return from that investment. 

We will try to break it down as simply as possible. There are many different financing options now when going solar. Financing or leasing options will vary from company to company, but there are some similarities. First, there are two different types of loans that are common. One that leans towards short-term savings, meaning you have a lower monthly payment over a longer period of time. The second is a little bit higher of a monthly payment, but you will pay it off sooner and benefit from more long-term savings. It is important to note with solar loans that when you are buying solar panels it has gotten a lot easier to transfer the loan when selling your house. The final common option is paying in cash. This option is great for those with the means to do it as they will benefit from long-term savings. On average across all of the payment options people save 85% on their utility bills. 

Some other things to consider are: how much sunshine will your roof get a day? People in heavily shaded neighborhoods will not save as much simply because their panels won’t produce as much as they would on a roof with no shade. 

Finally, did you know you could get a tax benefit from going solar? The current tax credit is set at 26% of total system price. To be eligible for this you must: pay taxes, own solar, own your home, and have sufficient tax liability.

How Invasive is Installing Solar on Your House?

With the ever growing number of solar companies it varies from company to company on how many holes will be punched in your roof, or how they mount the panels on your roof. What we will say is that companies have gotten better on this front. Most have the panels mounted on a track that will hold them all in place. There are companies that are very unobtrusive with their installs, which are our preferred companies to work with. 

With this it is important to consider the look of solar panels on your home. While our openly biased opinion is that solar panels look sleek and attractive on homes, other people would disagree. Consider this for your home, do you mind? Where would they go?

Which Solar Company Should You Go With?

This is where we can help most. There are so many solar companies popping up and knowing which one is the right one for you can be difficult. Shop Renewable Energy’s goal is to connect you with the best solar company in your area. Our goal is to make going solar easier for every homeowner in America.

About Shop Renewable Energy

Shop Renewable Energy started because of a simple question: Which company should we go solar with? As we navigated going solar for our own roofs, we discovered that there were dozens of local and national companies offering different discounts, solar panels, ownership agreements, and more. With hours of research, we made our decision, but we recognized that many homeowners are choosing their solar installers blindly. That’s where we came up with the idea for Shop Renewable Energy. As a small business, we look to improve the lives of our customers by making the solar journey more simple than ever. We do this by connecting homeowners with the best local solar companies in your neighborhood. We hope that you can utilize our business to shop for the best renewable energy in your area!

Learn more about solar from our blog.